How to Increase build agent execution time? (VSTS)

When running long running tests (perhaps UI tests with Selenium)
I got this error:

The job running on agent xAgentNamex has exceeded the maximum execution time of 01:00:00.

The default timeout for VSTS Agent is 60 minutes.
The solution was to increase Build job timeout in minutes, under settings of build definition in the VSTS dashboard.

Solution found here:
Source: tfsbuild – How to Increase build vnext build agent execution time? – Stack Overflow

Can I get detailed exception stacktrace in PowerShell? – Stack Overflow

There is a function up on the PowerShell Team blog called Resolve-Error which will get you all kinds of detailsNote that $error is an array of all the errors you have encountered in your PSSession. This function will give you details on the last error you encountered.

function Resolve-Error ($ErrorRecord=$Error[0])
$ErrorRecord | Format-List * -Force
$ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo |Format-List *
$Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
for ($i = 0; $Exception; $i++, ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException))
{ "$i" * 80
$Exception |Format-List * -Force

Source: Can I get detailed exception stacktrace in PowerShell? – Stack Overflow

Clink – tab completion and ctrl+v addon for windows cmd.exe

Clink combines the native Windows shell cmd.exe with the powerful command line editing features of the GNU Readline library, which provides rich completion, history, and line-editing capabilities. Readline is best known for its use in the well-known Unix shell Bash, the standard shell for Mac OS X and many Linux distributions.

New keyboard shortcuts;
Paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V).
Incremental history search (Ctrl-R/Ctrl-S).
Powerful completion (TAB).
Undo (Ctrl-Z).
Automatic “cd ..” (Ctrl-Alt-U).
Environment variable expansion (Ctrl-Alt-E).
(press Alt-H for many more…)

Source: Clink

Interesting read about agile and lean development

Interesting blogpost called:
Making sense of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – and why I prefer Earliest Testable/Usable/Lovable

There are examples of development of the early Spotify  app as well:

Source: Crisp’s Blog » Making sense of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – and why I prefer Earliest Testable/Usable/Lovable


Benchmarking is really hard (especially microbenchmarking), you can easily make a mistake during performance measurements. BenchmarkDotNet will protect you from the common pitfalls (even for experienced developers) because it does all the dirty work for you: it generates an isolated project per each benchmark method, does several launches of this project, run multiple iterations of the method (include warm-up), and so on. Usually, you even shouldn’t care about a number of iterations because BenchmarkDotNet chooses it automatically to achieve the requested level of precision.

Source: Home – BenchmarkDotNet Documentation