Use .http files in Visual Studio 2022

The Visual Studio 2022 .http file editor provides a convenient way to test ASP.NET Core projects, especially API apps. The editor provides a UI that:

  • Creates and updates .http files.
  • Sends HTTP requests specified in .http files.
  • Displays the responses.

This article contains documentation for:

The .http file format and editor was inspired by the Visual Studio Code REST Client extension. The Visual Studio 2022 .http editor recognizes .rest as an alternative file extension for the same file format.

Source: Use .http files in Visual Studio 2022 | Microsoft Learn

New: Better search in Visual Studio – Visual Studio Blog

Image All in one search

To enable the new search experience, go to Tools > Options > Environment > Preview Features > New Visual Studio Search Experience. After doing that, and restarting Visual Studio, you’ll now see the new search button appear in the title bar, as shown in the screenshot below.

Image All in one search split button

Ctrl + T for code search and Ctrl + Q for feature search stay the same, so your muscle memory remains intact.

Source: New: Better search in Visual Studio – Visual Studio Blog

Fine Code Coverage – Visual Studio Marketplace

Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)

Coverage View
Source: Fine Code Coverage – Visual Studio Marketplace


  1. Install
  2. Open the Fine Code Coverage window
  3. Run all unit tests
  4. See stats in Fine Code Coverage window
  5. Exclude the test project itself from coverage calculation:

    (Below excludes project that ends with .Test and all its types (*

Pattern: [assemblyname]type

Filter Expressions:

* => matches zero or more characters
[*]* => All types in all assemblies (nothing is instrumented)
[coverlet.*]Coverlet.Core.Coverage => The Coverage class in the Coverlet.Core namespace belonging to any assembly that matches coverlet.* (e.g coverlet.core)
[*]Coverlet.Core.Instrumentation.* => All types belonging to Coverlet.Core.Instrumentation namespace in any assembly
[coverlet.*.tests]* => All types in any assembly starting with coverlet. and ending with .tests

Both 'Exclude' and 'Include' options can be used together but 'Exclude' takes precedence.

Log info with tracepoints – Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Docs

Tracepoints allow you to log information to the Output window under configurable conditions without modifying or stopping your code. This feature is supported for both managed languages (C#, Visual Basic, F#) and native code as well as languages such as JavaScript and Python.

Source: Log info with tracepoints – Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Docs

EditorConfig settings – Visual Studio

You can add an EditorConfig file to your project or codebase to enforce consistent coding styles for everyone that works in the codebase. EditorConfig settings take precedence over global Visual Studio text editor settings. This means that you can tailor each codebase to use text editor settings that are specific to that project. You can still set your own personal editor preferences in the Visual Studio Options dialog box. Those settings apply whenever you’re working in a codebase without an .editorconfig file, or when the .editorconfig file doesn’t override a particular setting. An example of such a preference is indent style—tabs or spaces.

Source: EditorConfig settings – Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Docs

Visual Studio 2019 – Introducing the .NET Hot Reload experience for editing code at runtime

With Hot Reload you can now modify your apps managed source code while the application is running, without the need to manually pause or hit a breakpoint. Simply make a supported change while your app is running and in our new Visual Studio experience use the “apply code changes” button to apply your edits.

Source: Introducing the .NET Hot Reload experience for editing code at runtime | .NET Blog