Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents.
Source: C# to TypeScript – Visual Studio Marketplace
Category: VS Code
Angular Follow Selector – Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Enables clicking on Angular selectors in your HTML files and being redirected to their component definition, as well as the other way around by clicking on templateUrl and styleUrls in your component.
Log File Highlighter Extension – Visual Studio Marketplace
A Visual Studio Code extension for adding color highlighting to log files. It is based on standard conventions for log4net log files but it’s general enough to be useful for other variations of log files as well. The colors are customizable but by default the current color theme’s colors are used.
REST Client extension for VS Code
REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly. Using .http files.
How to use underscore lib from DefinitelyTyped with typescript? – Stack Overflow
Step 1. install type definitions (e.g. vs code intellisense) to project:
npm install –save @types/underscore
Step 2. import to ts file:
import * as _ from “underscore”;
Source: How to use underscore lib from DefinitelyTyped with typescript? – Stack Overflow
Settings Sync – Visual Studio Code Extension
An extension for Visual Studio Code to sync settings between computers.
It Syncs
All extensions and complete User Folder that Contains 1. Settings File 2. Keybinding File 3. Launch File 4. Snippets Folder 5. VSCode Extensions & Extensions Configurations 6. Workspaces Folder
Setting up Visual Studio Code (Part 2)—HTML, CSS and JavaScript settings
My VS Code Extensions for web and angular development
These are the VS Code extensions I use currently for web and angular development:
Auto close tag
Auto complete tag
Auto rename tag
Debugger for Chrome
Expand selection to scope
Highlight matching tag
Html Boilerplate
Html css support
Html snippets
Intellisense for css class names
Live sass compiler
Live server
Visual Studio Keymap
Search and install trough VS Code Extensions tab or search here:
angular2-switcher – Visual Studio Marketplace
angular2-switcher Easily navigate to typescript(.ts)|template(.html)|style(.scss/.sass/.less/.css) in angular2 project.
Add keyboard shortcuts to VS Code: (File -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts) :
Angular Files – Visual Studio Marketplace
This extension allows quickly scaffold angular 2 file templates in VS Code project.