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My bookmarks and blogposts regarding Software Development in .NET, C#, Angular, JavaScript, CSS, Html
I am using Angular v17 and node v18.
In simple steps;
Goto azure portal.
Create a new resource of type “Static Web App”
I choose Github as Deployment source.
Regarding Angular v17, I had problems with the github deployment build actions:
After Azure has created the static web app for Github deployment the following file is pushed into the repo:
I hade to set the following values correctly:
app_location: "./" # App source code path
output_location: "./dist/gps-tracker/browser" # Built app content directory - optional
The output location should point to where the index.html file is located.
You should change the ‘gps-tracker’ to your application name. To find out exactly run ‘ng build’ locally and look into the created dist folder.
Regarding setting node version to 18: I added the following in the yml file:
env: NODE_VERSION: '18.x'
Print screen of node version setting:
Jason Taylor gives a superb explanation of Clean Architecture on this clip.
Domain and Application are central to the design. It’s the core of the system.
Presentation and Infrastructure belong to the outermost layer and are not dependent on each other. They only depend on Application.
Application only depends on Domain.
Domain has no dependencies.
Source: Clean Architecture. Jason Taylor gives a superb explanation… | by Oscar Olsson | Medium
A complete guide on how to use Signals in an Angular application. Learn signals, their benefits, best practices, and patterns, and avoid the most common pitfalls.
Source: Angular Signals: Complete Guide
So now how about listening to events on the host element that wraps the component’s template? How can we do that properly in Angular apps? That’s the very question we will answer in this article. Before diving directly into listening to DOM events on a host element, I think we need to touch on what a host element is. The concept of host element applies not only to components but also attribute directives.
Source: Four ways of listening to DOM events in Angular (Part 2: @HostListener)