Async pipe syntax tricks

What if I need to read multiple properties from the object in that subscription?

Another way to put it is that you don’t want to end up doing something like this:

<p>First name: {{ (user$ | async)?.firstName }}</p>
<p>Last name: {{ (user$ | async)?.lastName }}</p>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The above code is pretty hard to read and requires one subscription for each property. This alone can be a disaster, as each subscription might trigger an HTTP request for the same data from the server!

Instead, you can do something like this, which uses only one subscription, stores the result in a local variable, then renders the data when it’s available. This technique works with any structural directive, such as *ngIf or *ngFor:

<div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>

Source: Async pipe syntax tricks | Angular Newsletter

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