This is how you set default values for PTB 2.0 poperties in Episerver 6r2:
In the [PageTypeProperty] method attribute, add:
DefaultValue = 0, DefaultValueType=EPiServer.DataAbstraction.DefaultValueType.Value,
[PageTypeProperty(SortOrder = 100, Tab = typeof(RelatedContentTab), EditCaption = "Related content sort index", Type = typeof(PropertyNumber), DefaultValue = 20, DefaultValueType = DefaultValueType.Value)] int RelatedContentSortIndex { get; set; }
The DefaultValue could be any type of object. The EPiServer.DataAbstraction.DefaultValueType.Value is just an enum that indicates that a default value should be used.
However this has to be done before the page is created for the first time, else it wont have any effect until next time a page is created.
Another approach, if suitable, could be to just add the “Required” in the first place to avoid missing values from the editors.
[PageTypeProperty(SortOrder = 100, Tab = typeof(RelatedContentTab), EditCaption = "Related content sort index", Type = typeof(PropertyNumber), Required = true)] int RelatedContentSortIndex { get; set; }
In EPiServer 7 this approach can be used:
See below heading “Default property values” here: