Episerver Translate Language xml text 4 different approaches

This is mainly a EPiServer 6 / Webforms approach.

If no pagebase object is readable:

<%= EPiServer.Core.LanguageManager.Instance.Translate("/mygadget/index/hello") %>

EPiServer.PageBase method xml/xslt path to value:

<p><%= Translate("/productlist/links/viewallcleaningpkgandacc")%></p>

Through asp.net get resource $ dot notated path to xml value

<%$ Resources: EPiServer, productlist.buttons.buyonline %>

Only valid inside server tags e.g:

<asp:Label runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: EPiServer, productlist.buttons.buyonline %>" />

Web control episerver native (xml path to value):

<EPiServer:Translate runat="server" LocalizedText="/productlist/links/viewallcleaningpkgandacc" />


Migrating VPP from EPiServer 6 R2 to EPiServer 7.5

“…when you export content from EPiServer using the Export Data tool it will only export assets that have been referenced i.e. been linked to by a page, or those that you manually select during the export process. We couldn’t possibly manually select 40k assets, and we couldn’t be certain that every asset was referenced, therefore we needed to modify the behaviour of the Export process to ensure that ALL assets were included in the export package.

via Migrating VPP from EPiServer 6 R2 to EPiServer 7.5.

Scheduled jobs in EPiServer CMS 6 – long running and sending status updates back to the UI

“There are a few hidden bits in EPiServer CMS 6 that hasn’t been talked much about, one of them being the enhancements to the scheduled jobs. These new features include the ability to interrupt the execution of a long running job and for these jobs to send status updates to the UI.”

From: Scheduled jobs in EPiServer CMS 6 | This is nothing.

Useful .NET & EPiServer Nuget commands

Thank you Khurram Khan!

Original post is here:

EpiServer CMS, EpiServer Commerce, MS Commerce Server: Useful Nuget commands.


Useful Nuget commands

Having the little knowledge of Nuget Commands is important if your company is thinking to adopt EPiServer Continuous Release Process.

In Visual Studio Click  Tools>Nuget Package Manager>Package Manage Settings, Select from Options, Package manager>Package Sources.
Click + Button and add an entry with
Name: EpiServer packages
Source: http://nuget.episerver.com/feed/packages.svc/

After these setting you are ready to use EPiserver Nugets. Nuget Packages can be installed from ‘Package manager Console’ or ‘Manage Nuget Packages For Solution’ window.

Here are few useful nuget commands

To extract the SQL schema Changes Find the full article (http://robertlinde.se/post/episerver-sql-scripts-and-continuous-integration-with-octopus-deploy)

To update database after upgrade

In order to see the list of available versions of an episerver package you can use a command like this
Get-Package -ListAvailable -Filter EpiServer.Find -AllVersions

To install a specific version of package this command can be used
Install-Package EPiServer.Find -Version

To Uninstall a package following command can be used
Uninstall-Package EPiServer.Find -Version

Update a particular package in all projects of the current solution to a particular version
Update-Package EPiServer.Find -Version

Re-install a particular package
Update-Package EPiServer.Find -reinstall

Re-install all packages
Update-Package -Reinstall

View dependency List
get-package -list EPiServer.Find | select dependencies

Complete list of commands can be find at at http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/package-manager-console-powershell-reference

Upgrading EPiServer Commerce R3 to EPiServer 7.5 – upgrade script errors

Here is a little summary of problems and solutions with the Commerce upgrade script.

Run Deployment Center as administrator. The upgrade script upgrades both EPiServer 7.0 and EPiServer Commerce R3 to EPiServer CMS and Commerce 7.5. So the first step is to choose: “Upgrade EPiServer Commerce”

Next step choose the CMS 7 “Commerce enabled” www site to upgrade. (Not the Commerce manager site)

This is the running script:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.5.394.2\Install\Modules\EPiServer Commerce 7.5.394.2\Install\Upgrade EPiServer Commerce.ps1”

This is where you could inspect the log if it fails: (latest modified file)
C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Install\Logs


Could not find file ‘C:\sites\MySite.Web\b\web.config’1.

Solution: Set  <appSettings> key “CommerceManagerApplicationName” to the Commerce Managers current IIS ApplicationPool name.

<add key="CommerceManagerApplicationName" value="MySiteCommerceManager_v4.0" />


Line 418 fails: Could not find file ‘C:\commerce\MySite.CommerceManager.Web\b\web.config’.

Solution: this line:  $commerceManagerPath = $commerceManagerBinPath.trimEnd(“Bin”)
Is hardcoded in the ps1 script. Replace the appsetting “CommerceManagerBinPath” in wwwroot web.config file “bin” in the path to “Bin”. E.g:

<add key="CommerceManagerBinPath"         value="C:\Commerce\MySite.CommerceManager.Web\Bin"


“Could not find Tools.zip”

Copy Tools.zip from wwwroot\MediachaseECF\* (from a functioning, or demo, epi7 commerce r3 site) to upgradeprojects\wwwroot\MediachaseECF\*.

This file also seems to be deleted after every upgrade attempt.
Download here: Commerce_Tools.zip_for_r3_and_75

Cannot find package “EPiServer.Business.Commerce.AddOns.Manager” in local repository.

–  In your wwwroot\modulesbin folder there should be a EPiServer.Commerce.AddOns.Manager.dll file, the EPiServer.Business.Commerce.AddOns.Manager.dll is EPiServer Commerce R3 specific and should be deleted.

Remove-Item : Cannot find path ‘C:\commerce\MySite.CommerceManager.Web\bin\Mediachase.Cms.Website.dll’ because it does not exist.

At C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.5.394.2\Install\Modules\EPiServer Commerce 7.5.394.2\Install\Upgrade EPiServer Commerce.ps1:378 char:3

Solution: copy the Mediachase.Cms.Website.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Modules\EPiServer Commerce\ECF\Data\ConsoleSite\bin to manager bin folder.