Fixing github auth problem, cloning repository to Webstorm IDE

This probably works for other IDEs as well such as VS Code.
My context is Windows 10 and Webstorm version 2024.3.2.1

Problem: was connected to  my “work” github account and wanted also to be able to work with repos in my “private” github account.

Added the Github account in webstorm settings -> version control -> github -> (was logged in on github private account in web browser), got web browser authenticate question -> ok

Cloned a repo, got similar to the following git error message:

remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository '' not found

The repository exists at that location, its an auth problem.


Tried to setup SSH but was a bit difficult, the “GitHub Desktop” application had no problem cloning and pushing though, but wanted it to work within Webstorm.

I tried the Github CLI application, download here:

Open a terminal within Webstorm/at the project root and execute the gh command:

gh auth login

Follow the instructions regarding auth with web browser, (enter the one-time code at
Output from my terminal:

$ gh auth login
? Where do you use GitHub?
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations on this host? HTTPS
? Authenticate Git with your GitHub credentials? Yes
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: ABCD-1234
Press Enter to open in your browser...
✓ Authentication complete.
- gh config set -h git_protocol https
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as AndreasPlahn

Voila! Now it works for me, at least.

When pushing from Webstorm I get a dialog (on every push) which github acccount I want to be acting as.

This was annoying. Solved in this way:
(in cmd):

git credential-manager github list
-> see all logged in accounts

git credential-manager github logout <MyGithubAccountName>
-> logout one of the accounts to avoid

More info about git credential-manager in Windows:

git – Having problems cloning a Azure DevOps repository in Visual Studio 2019 Community – Stack Overflow

Clearing the cached credentials from Credential Manager. And then try again.Go to Credential Manager–> Windows Credentials–> Generic Credentials–>Remove all Git related credentials.

Source: git – Having problems cloning a Azure DevOps repository in Visual Studio 2019 Community – Stack Overflow

GIT – How to prune local tracking branches that do not exist on remote anymore

One-liner, cross platform, doesn’t look like the cat slept on your keyboard:

npx git-removed-branches

(dry-run) or

npx git-removed-branches --prune

(removes for real).
You need to already have node.js installed.

Source: git – How to prune local tracking branches that do not exist on remote anymore – Stack Overflow

Add above as external command in Visual Studio 2022 “Tools” menu:

On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git

This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn’t that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care of your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.

Source: On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git

Setup private SSH key for WebStorm and other IDEs in Windows

I had a problem pushing commits to Bitbucket inside Webstorm “no access” or similar error when trying to push.

I usually use Sourcetree together with Putty Pageant loaded with the putty specific SSH file format ppk. So the solution was to convert the private putty ppk file into OpenSSH file format using PuTTygen.

Then save that file into %userprofile%\.ssh\id_rsa
(id_rsa is the open ssh file name, no extension).
It made it possible for Webstorm to push to Bitbucket.

Follow these steps to convert from ppk to OpenSSH:

Another option is to convert the ppk format to an OpenSSH format using the PuTTygen program performing the following steps:
  1. Run the puTTygen program.
  2. Click Load.
  3. Select your private key that ends in .ppk and then click Open.
  4. Click the Conversions menu option.
  5. Click Export OpenSSH key.

Source: Change Private Key Format to Use with PuTTY

How to set aliases in Git Bash for Windows?

For Windows 10 with Git Bash:
Edit file “%userprofile%\.bashrc”
Using Notepad++ or other text editor in Administrator mode.

Add another alias line beneath the present alias lines:

alias ls='ls --color=auto --show-control-chars -a -p --time-style=long-iso -h -X --group-directories-first'
alias ll='ls -l --color=auto --show-control-chars -a -p --time-style=long-iso -h -X --group-directories-first'
alias ngs='ng serve --open'
alias grep='grep -i -n --color=always'
alias log='git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue) <%an> %Creset' --abbrev-commit'

Above is an alias ngs for serving angular development server and open a web browser.
Instead of typing “ng serve –open” in Git bash window you should now be able to just use ngs as an shortcut alias.

Bitbucket Set up an SSH key on Sourcetree for Windows – Atlassian Documentation

Goto heading “Set up SSH with Sourcetree on Windows”‘
Source: Set up an SSH key – Atlassian Documentation

Also see this fix for getting PuTTY Pageant working with Visual Studio 2017 built-in GIT:
I finally managed to make it work, using PuTTY’s Pageant authentication agent instead of ssh-agent, and following the steps mentioned here (it’s for Visual Studio Code, but works for Visual Studio 2017 and I guess it should work for any application that uses the “official” Git for Windows).

Since I already had Pageant installed and a .ppk private key created, I only had to make Git use Pageant, by creating the GIT_SSH Windows environment variable and setting it to the path of the “plink.exe” file (inside the PuTTY installation, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe). With that done, I just need to open Pageant and add the private key (and leave it open while working with the repository), and Visual Studio will be able to connect and issue commands just fine.