Category: Uncategorized
BEM css system For Beginners: Why You Need BEM — Smashing Magazine
BEM Css class Naming Cheat Sheet by 9elements
When it comes to finding the right class name, it can quickly drive you to despair. Even the most experienced CSS developers don’t always find the right class name right away. This tool aims to help you to not get lost in the BEM cosmos by giving you naming-suggestions for some of the most common web components.
Four ways of listening to DOM events in Angular (Part 2: @HostListener)
Four ways of listening to DOM events in Angular (Part 2: @HostListener) by Shijir Tsogoo
Regular Expression Tutorial – Learn How to Use Regular Expressions
eShopOnWeb: Sample ASP.NET Core 3.1 reference application
dotnet-architecture/eShopOnWeb: Sample ASP.NET Core 3.1 reference application, powered by Microsoft, demonstrating a layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model. Download the eBook PDF from docs folder.