Category: Uncategorized
parcel – fast and simple web application bundler
Asynchronous JavaScript: Async/Await Tutorial | Toptal
CSS transitions – Free tutorial to learn HTML and CSS
CSS transitions allow to smoothly go from one element’s state to another. How it works is that individual properties are animated from an initial to a final state.
ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points
Good learning resource for javascript 2015 (ecmascript v6).
Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks
“Tips and Tricks” lets you jump right in and learn how to be productive with Visual Studio Code. You’ll become familiar with its powerful editing, code intelligence, and source code control features and learn useful keyboard shortcuts. This topic goes pretty fast and provides a broad overview, so be sure to look at the other in-depth topics in Getting Started and the User Guide to learn more.
Library Manager Released in 15.8 | ASP.NET Blog
ImageResizer.Plugins.EPiServerBlobReader/ at master · valdisiljuconoks/ImageResizer.Plugins.EPiServerBlobReader
Resizing images in EPiServer – Dejan Caric
Every EPiServer developer knows that editors love to work with high-resolution images. If those images are not optimized for different devices, they may increase the page loading time and ruin the browsing experience. There is nothing worse than serving 5000x5000px images on a device whose viewport is only 400x700px, or sending big images (15mb+) over a 3G network. The days of fixed-width website design is behind us. HTML5 has support for responsive images using picture element.
ImageResizer – High performance images for responsive sites
ImageResizer is the best image server for ASP.NET. It can be dropped into existing apps and works alongside your CMS or existing platform to eliminate manual image tasks, enable fast and adaptive websites, and improve your sales by reducing page load time.