Chrome DevTools – Save updated js, html and css files to disk from Chrome

Set up persistent authoring in Chrome DevTools so you can both see your changes immediatedly and save those changes to disk.

Source: Set Up Persistence with DevTools Workspaces | Web Tools – Google Developers

ASP.NET / .NET / VS blogs to follow

Microsoft Official

.NET Web Development and Tools Blog | Your official information source from the .NET Web Development and Tools group at Microsoft.

The Visual Studio Blog | The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

.NET Blog | A first-hand look from the .NET engineering teams

Non Microsoft

Dot Net Weekly:

PetaPoco – lightweight .NET ORM

This one looks like a great .NET lightweight ORM:

PetaPocoA tiny ORM-ish thing for your POCOsPetaPocoMainDocumentationLicensePetaPoco is a tiny, fast, single-file micro-ORM for .NET and Mono.Like Massive it’s a single file that you easily add to any projectUnlike Massive it works with strongly typed POCO’sLike Massive, it now also supports dynamic Expandos too – read moreLike ActiveRecord, it supports a close relationship between object and database tableLike SubSonic, it supports generation of poco classes with T4 templatesLike Dapper, it’s fast because it uses dynamic method generation (MSIL) to assign column values to properties

Source: PetaPoco – Topten Software

Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015 – Stack Overflow

You simply need to remove three files from the project Path. navigate to Your Project Folder then permanently delete (“SHIFT + DEL”)

the files to permanently delete are: (‘File’ .gitignore ,’File’ .gitattributes , and ‘folder’.git)

(may be hidden so ensure you have your folders and search options > View > show hidden files, folder, and drives(Radio Button) Selected)…reopen VS and their is no more relationship to the Git Source Control. if you wanted to take it as far as removing it from the registry as mentioned above you could but shouldn’t be necessary aside from the “house keeping” of your machine. hope this helps.

Source: Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015 – Stack Overflow

Set available buttons for TinyMCE Editor in EPiServer 8+

From this guide:

A toolbar looking like this (quite many buttons available):
Image 20160517 145713 001

Uses this TinyMCESettings C# code:

using EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings;
using EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;

namespace MySolution.Core.ContentEditing
    [ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(PropertySettings))]
    public class DefaultTinyMCESettings : PropertySettings<TinyMCESettings>
        public DefaultTinyMCESettings()
            IsDefault = true;
            DisplayName = "Default settings";
            Description = "Default configuration as defined by the developers.";

        public override TinyMCESettings GetPropertySettings()
            var settings = new TinyMCESettings();

            settings.ToolbarRows.Add(new ToolbarRow(new string[]
                TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerLink, TinyMCEButtons.Unlink, TinyMCEButtons.Image, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerImageEditor, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerPersonalizedContent, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.PasteText, TinyMCEButtons.PasteWord, TinyMCEButtons.RemoveFormat, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.Table, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.RowProperties, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.CellProperties, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertRowBefore, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertRowAfter, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.DeleteRow, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertColumnBefore, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertColumnsAfter, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.DeleteColumns, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.SplitCells, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.MergeCells
            settings.ToolbarRows.Add(new ToolbarRow(new string[]
                TinyMCEButtons.Bold, TinyMCEButtons.Italic, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerQuote, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.JustifyLeft, TinyMCEButtons.JustifyCenter, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.SuperScript, TinyMCEButtons.SubScript, TinyMCEButtons.BulletedList, TinyMCEButtons.NumericList, TinyMCEButtons.CharacterMap, TinyMCEButtons.Outdent, TinyMCEButtons.Indent, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.StyleSelect, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Undo, TinyMCEButtons.Redo, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Search, TinyMCEButtons.Replace, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Code, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,

            // Add the default non-visual plugins that replaces built in functionality with EPiServer specifics.

            //if (PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("administrators"))
            //    //Chance to personalize. Let's allow administrators to access the html editor.
            //    settings.ToolbarRows[1].Buttons.Add("code");

            settings.Height = 200;
            settings.Width = 600;
            return settings;

        public override System.Guid ID
            get { return new System.Guid("a6fe936f-190d-45e2-b83c-ccc0501a7312"); }


How to solve 500 – Internal Server Error in ASP.NET: Troubleshooting Failed Requests Using Tracing in IIS 7 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

If nothing of value comes up in your errorlogs or in the event viewer. Just follow this guide to enable Tracing in IIS7+

Source: Troubleshooting Failed Requests Using Tracing in IIS 7 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site