Category: Uncategorized
EPiServer 7.5 – Get pageReference from external URL
In EPiServer 7.5 you can use:string url = “”;var contentReference = UrlResolver.Current.Route(new UrlBuilder(url));
Writing a CSS Parser in JavaScript — JotForm — Form Builder — Medi um
Keyboard shortcuts – Proficiency with and without ReSharper – Chewing logic and spitting code
Migrating VPP from EPiServer 6 R2 to EPiServer 7.5
“…when you export content from EPiServer using the Export Data tool it will only export assets that have been referenced i.e. been linked to by a page, or those that you manually select during the export process. We couldn’t possibly manually select 40k assets, and we couldn’t be certain that every asset was referenced, therefore we needed to modify the behaviour of the Export process to ensure that ALL assets were included in the export package.”
Solving Problems, Breaking it Down – Simple Programmer
Taming Asynchronous JavaScript with Async.js
C# Razor Syntax Quick Reference – You’ve Been Haacked
NET C# Common I/O Tasks
The System.IO namespace provides several classes that allow for various actions, such as reading and writing, to be performed on files, directories, and streams
via Common I/O Tasks.
Deploy continuously to Azure VMs from vs 2013
Deploy continuously to Azure
With Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 and Visual Studio Online, you can easily set up continuous deployment to Azure VMs.
via Deploy continuously.