Scheduled jobs in EPiServer CMS 6 – long running and sending status updates back to the UI

“There are a few hidden bits in EPiServer CMS 6 that hasn’t been talked much about, one of them being the enhancements to the scheduled jobs. These new features include the ability to interrupt the execution of a long running job and for these jobs to send status updates to the UI.”

From: Scheduled jobs in EPiServer CMS 6 | This is nothing.

jQuery – get a list of values of an attribute from elements – Stack Overflow

$”.object”.attr”level” will just return the attribute of first the first .object element.This will get you an array of all levels:
var list = $”.object”.mapfunction{return $this.attr”level”;}.get;

via selectors – jQuery – get a list of values of an attribute from elements of a class – Stack Overflow.

Simple SQL script for searching for a certain word in all EPiServer 6 pages

The fkPageID value points to the actual page id which you can search for in EPiServer UI.
The string could be in a page in the Recycle Bin or maybe even in a previous page version…

FROM [myEpi6db].[dbo].[tblProperty]
string like ''
or LongString like ''

This is on a EPiServer 6r2 db.


Visual Studio 2015 PerfTips: Performance Information at-a-glance while Debugging with Visual Studio – Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

PerfTips: Performance Information at-a-glance while Debugging with Visual Studio – Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.