Grayscale mode in Windows 10, distraction-free reading with f.lux

This new version of f.lux has a grayscale mode and new key to turn it on: Windows + End.

The big surprise is how distracting the icons on the top and bottom of your screen are. These icon colors are the kind of thing you see in candy stores and on fire alarms, but we have to ignore them just to get work done. Without those colors, your computer looks more like a magazine that can help you focus on reading or thinking—it feels different, like a sheet of paper.

Source: What’s new with f.lux

Nuget package handling – Using package.config instead of new PackageReference in csproj Visual Studio 2017

In Visual Studio 2017 and with .NET Core projects a new way of referencing nuget packages was introduced. Somehow during a .NET project upgrade one of the nuget packages were converted into a PackageReference (referenced in the csproj file and not from package.config). Below are the steps to convert such package reference back into plain old package.config behaviour:

In addition to removing the PackageReferences from the project file, I also had to remove the following files from the $ProjectDir\obj directory: Myproject.csproj.nuget.cache Myproject.csproj.nuget.g.props Myproject.csproj.nuget.g.targets project.assets.json

Source: How can I revert to referencing Nuget packages in packages.config after using Package References in a .NET Standard project? – Stack Overflow