Host and deploy Angular web app using Azure and Github

I am using Angular v17 and node v18.
In simple steps;
Goto azure portal.
Create a new resource of type “Static Web App”
I choose Github as Deployment source.

Regarding Angular v17, I had problems with the github deployment build actions:

  • Node was configured as v16 but angular v17 needs node v18
  • path to index.html for dist build could not be found

After Azure has created the static web app for Github deployment the following file is pushed into the repo:


I hade to set the following values correctly:

app_location: "./" # App source code path
output_location: "./dist/gps-tracker/browser" # Built app content directory - optional

The output location should point to where the index.html file is located.
You should change the ‘gps-tracker’ to your application name. To find out exactly run ‘ng build’ locally and look into the created dist folder.

Regarding setting node version to 18: I added the following in the yml file:

  NODE_VERSION: '18.x'

Print screen of node version setting:

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