Author: Andreas Plahn
CRUD Opearations using AutoMapper in an MVC Application – CodeProject
Short js snippets working with js jquery and bool valuesinput checkboxes
Get value of checkbox (jquery):
– returns bool true or bool false
Set value of checkbox (jquery):
$('#myCheckboxInput').attr('checked', true)
Second parameter can be true or false.
Convert true or false strings to bool (js):
var myBoolValue = (myString.toLowerCase() === "true");
This is when you know the string will be ‘True’ or ‘FALSE’ for instance. Accepts all case variations of ‘TRUE’ and ‘false’.
Using Glimpse with ASP.Net MVC – CodeProject
Web developer tool for ASP.NET !
QUnit – js unit testing
Used by jQuery, jQuery UI
AngularJS Tutorial: a comprehensive 10,000 word guide
Simple bat script for keeping site up and running
@echo off :start cls echo This is a loop wget http://mysite.localhost --spider timeout /t 60 /nobreak goto start
The script runs a get request against the url given every 60 seconds.
–spider indicates wget should not download anything.
Script above uses wget
Plunker online js html css editor
Smart online editor for testing out and sharing js, html and css. E.g. try out angular.js, jQuery etc.
Getting Started with Mustache.js in ASP.NET MVC
c# – Check if ‘T’ inherits or implements a class/interface – Stack Overflow
via c# – Check if ‘T’ inherits or implements a class/interface – Stack Overflow.