Category: Uncategorized
Classes in JavaScript and Patterns in creating them. – CodeProject
Generate Fake Data for Your JavaScript Applications Using Faker ♥ Scotch
Support for debugging lambda expressions with Visual Studio 2015 – Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management – Site Home – MSDN Blogs
Code Refactoring (Software Gardening – Pruning)
Angular Basics by ScriptyBooks – Introduction
Customize external web tools in Visual Studio 2015 – .NET Web Development and Tools Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs
UniversalSerializer – CodeProject
String.format for javascript (C# .NET like syntax for concatenating strings)
Here is a little hack to make javascript behave more like .NET with string.format…
var selector = String.format("#container{0} div.lineItem{1}[data-entryid='{2}']", containerId, itemId, entryId);
js code:
//String.format for js. if (!String.format) { String.format = function (format) { var args =, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match ; }); }; }