Cashew: A simple and elegant yet powerful HTTP client cache for .NET

A simple and elegant yet powerful HTTP client cache for .NET


Cashew is a .NET library for caching responses easily with an HttpClient through an API that is simple and elegant yet powerful. There’s support out of the box for the awesome CacheManager via the Cashew.Adapters.CacheManager package. Its aim is to focus on the HTTP part of caching and not worrying about how stuff is stored, meaning no half-arsed cache implementations!

Cashew targets .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.1 (.NET Core, Mono, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, UWP and more) meaning it can be used on all sorts of devices.

Source: joakimskoog/Cashew: A simple and elegant yet powerful HTTP client cache for .NET

ReportUnit – xml testresult to html dashboard tool

ReportUnit is a report generator for the test-runner family. It uses stock reports from NUnit, MSTest and Gallio and converts them into attractive HTML reports with dashboards.

Works with nUnit 3.x as well.



Visual Studio Toolkit – Visual Studio 2015/2017 Extension

Great small extension for the following functionality:

  • Select 2 files in Solution Explorer, right click and new menu option at the top “Compare files”.
  • Right click solution or a project, new menu option at the top “Edit Solution/Project file”
  • Locate File in Solution Explorer / Source Control explorer (right click menu on tab in code edit window)

Source: Visual Studio Toolkit – Visual Studio Marketplace

Visual Studio Window Title Changer Extension

Changes the Visual Studio Window Title by evaluating a user defined expression. Extremely helpful when working with multiple branches of the same project.

Script I use to see current branch in TFS (path) or GIT (git branch) in title:

if( sln_open ) {
if (exec git_branch 2 "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" sln_dir) {
sln_filename + (exec git_branch 2 "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" sln_dir ? " - git["+git_branch+"]" + " - Visual Studio 2015")
//TFS or Standard project
sln_filename + " - (" + sln_dir +")" + " - " + "Visual Studio 2015"
else {
//No solution open
"Visual Studio 2015"


Run, monitor, and manage builds for TFS/VSTS from Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2015:
You can run, monitor, and manage your builds from the Builds page

If you’re not already connected to the team project that you want to work in, then connect to the team project.
Choose Home icon Home, and then choose Builds Icon Builds (Keyboard: Ctrl + 0, B).

Source: Run, monitor, and manage builds

LiteDBViewer: a GUI for LiteDB

LiteDBViewer: LiteDB Viewer is a simple tool that let you open a LiteDB database file and shows its contents; think of it as a GUI for LiteDBShell

LiteDB is a small, fast and lightweight NoSQL embedded (filebased) database, great for prototyping for instance.

Source: falahati/LiteDBViewer: LiteDB Viewer is a simple tool that let you open a LiteDB database file and shows its contents; think of it as a GUI for LiteDBShell

AutoHistory – Visual Studio Extension to easily roll back code a few minutes or hours.

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could roll back a few hours to a piece of code you had working but have made changes to? This extension provides an early preview of an automatic, no-configuration history tracking facility for your local machine. Just install the extension, and whatever you do in your projects and solutions, it silently and efficiently tracks the changes you make to any files that you have opened in the Visual Studio Editor. Then, when you find yourself in need of back-tracking to

Source: AutoHistory – Visual Studio Marketplace

See this Channel 9 video: