I had a problem pushing commits to Bitbucket inside Webstorm “no access” or similar error when trying to push.
I usually use Sourcetree together with Putty Pageant loaded with the putty specific SSH file format ppk. So the solution was to convert the private putty ppk file into OpenSSH file format using PuTTygen.
Then save that file into %userprofile%\.ssh\id_rsa
(id_rsa is the open ssh file name, no extension).
It made it possible for Webstorm to push to Bitbucket.
Follow these steps to convert from ppk to OpenSSH:
Another option is to convert the ppk format to an OpenSSH format using the PuTTygen program performing the following steps:
- Run the puTTygen program.
- Click Load.
- Select your private key that ends in .ppk and then click Open.
- Click the Conversions menu option.
- Click Export OpenSSH key.
Source: Change Private Key Format to Use with PuTTY