TaskbarX | Center taskbar icons

Windows 10 Taskbar utility – Windows 11 alike style taskbar witch icons in center.

TaskbarX TaskbarX gives you control over the position of your taskbar icons. TaskbarX will give you an original Windows dock like feel. The icons will move to the center or user given position when an icon gets added or removed from the taskbar. You will be given the option to choose between a variety of different animations and change their speeds. The animations can be disabled if you don’t like animations and want them to move in an instant. The center position can also be changed to bring your icons more to the left or right based on the center position. Currently all taskbar settings are supported including the vertical taskbar. And Unlimited taskbars 🙂

Source: TaskbarX | Center taskbar icons

How to force Angular to reload components when navigating to same url

Tested in Angular 11:

In module config for route module:

imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload',
exports: [RouterModule],

Set onSameUrlNavigation to ‘reload’

Whan using router.navigate() force url to update by adding a unique query parameter:

let navigationExtras: NavigationExtras = {
  queryParams: {
     refreshToken: (new Date).getTime(); //pass a dummy parameter (i.e. the time in milliseconds since 1970 or use the npm uuid library), forces reload of unique url
this.router.navigate(['/detail'], navigationExtras);

More info:




Angular 10+ Strict Mode

From Angular 10 (experimental) / 11 (default on create new app) you can get strict mode. In summary it reduces the bundle size (by 75%!) and increases the maintainability by disabling you to create objects of type ‘any’ (no untyped types)…

Angular 11+ CLI creates all new workspaces and projects with strict mode enabled.

Strict mode improves maintainability and helps you catch bugs ahead of time. Additionally, strict mode applications are easier to statically analyze and can help the ng update command refactor code more safely and precisely when you are updating to future versions of Angular.

Specifically, strict mode does the following:

More info:

Angular CLI Strict Mode. In Angular, we strongly believe in… | by Minko Gechev | Angular Blog

Typescript debug util – Output json structure to console as formatted and sorted properties

Made a Debug util TypeScript class for formatted output to browser console of json objects, also sorted on property keys alphabetically (usage: simplifies text compare between different json structures).

export class DebugUtils {
  ///Outputs object as formatted json string to console.
  public static ToConsoleJson(value: any, message = null) {
    if (message) {
    console.debug(JSON.stringify(value, null, 2));

  ///Outputs object as formatted json string to console sorted alphabetically by property keys.
  public static ToConsoleJsonSortedByKey(obj: any, message = null) {
    //sort object keys alphabetically
    var allKeys = [];
    JSON.stringify( obj, function( key, value ){ allKeys.push( key ); return value; } )
    const sortedJsonString = JSON.stringify( obj, allKeys, 2);
    if (message) {



Meld Compare Tool – Free and open source

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems.

Meld helps you review code changes and understand patches. It might even help you to figure out what is going on in that merge you keep avoiding.

Source: Meld

WinCam – Simple Screen Recording Tool

Lightning-Fast Screen Recording, Create Video Tutorials in Minutes with WinCamWinCam is a powerful and extremely easy-to-use screen recorder for Windows. It can deal with a given application, a region or the entire screen – and record everything that goes on in there. With the ability to capture up to 60 frames per second, WinCam makes sure your recording doesn’t miss a tiny thing, while hardware acceleration renders and encodes video in real time and truly effortless.

Source: WinCam – Lightning-Fast Screen Recording, Create Video Tutorials in Minutes – NTWind Software

Typescript: how to create an object from interface

If you want to instantiate an object from an interface in typescript do this.
“new” object:

const address: Address = {} as Address;

Then can add values to properties.

Object initialization:

const modal: IModal = { 
  content: '', 
  form: '', 
  href: ''


Source: How can I create an object based on an interface file definition in TypeScript? – Stack Overflow

git – Having problems cloning a Azure DevOps repository in Visual Studio 2019 Community – Stack Overflow

Clearing the cached credentials from Credential Manager. And then try again.Go to Credential Manager–> Windows Credentials–> Generic Credentials–>Remove all Git related credentials.

Source: git – Having problems cloning a Azure DevOps repository in Visual Studio 2019 Community – Stack Overflow