Official Microsoft Edge Preview builds available (based on Chromium)

Microsoft has just unveiled official preview builds of the upcoming Microsoft Edge web browser that is based on Chromium. Interested users can head over to the Microsoft Edge Insider website to download Beta, Dev, and Canary builds of the upcoming version of Microsoft Edge for Windows 10.

Source: Official Microsoft Edge Preview builds available – gHacks Tech News

CSS overflow-wrap — Control wrapping of text overflow or wrapping

This css works in most common browsers (including IE)

word-wrap: break-word; //ie specific
overflow-wrap: break-word //other browsers

Internet Explorer has its own implementation for “overflow-wrap” -> “word-wrap”.

A readymade sass mixin:

/* Usage: .box { @include wordBreak; } */
@mixin wordBreak {
word-wrap: break-word; //ie specific
overflow-wrap: break-word //other browsers

Source: CSS overflow-wrap — Control wrapping of text overflow or wrapping – CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

Awesome Visual Testing with Percy

One type of testing that’s incredibly important but often overlooked is visual testing. Functional testing is incredibly important but the truth is that users expectthings to work but the first thing they’ll notice is things that look broken. Oftentimes your selenium and unit tests will pass despite a hideous visual regression. That’s where a service like Percy comes in — Percy makes visual regression testing easy!