E.g rename the branch mybranch to feature/mybranch will make it appear under the folder feature in Sourcetree.
Source: git – How to move branch in SourceTree into Folder? – Stack Overflow
My bookmarks and blogposts regarding Software Development in .NET, C#, Angular, JavaScript, CSS, Html
E.g rename the branch mybranch to feature/mybranch will make it appear under the folder feature in Sourcetree.
Source: git – How to move branch in SourceTree into Folder? – Stack Overflow
Getting Started With Docker – An Introduction
If you’re a .NET developer, we’re excited to introduce a new resource that can help you learn about Azure: The Azure Quick Start Guide for .NET Developers!
Terminal.Gui is a library intended to create console-based applications using C#. The framework has been designed to make it easy to write applications that will work on monochrome terminals, as well as modern color terminals with mouse support. This library works across Windows, Linux and MacOS.
The Service Bus Explorer allows users to Connect to a Service Bus namespace and efficiently administer messaging entities. The tool provides advanced features like import/export functionality or the ability to test topic, queues, subscriptions, relay services, notification hubs and events hubs.
Are you annoyed by the default project location in Visual Studio? Check out this tutorial and learn how to modify it to suit you needs.
Source: Changing default project directory in Visual Studio 2017 – Daniel Zikmund
Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the db server then follow these steps:
Source: View or Change the Default Locations for Data and Log Files | Microsoft Docs
I’m getting, “Could not load file or assembly ‘Bla’ or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.”
Source: registry – How can I enable Assembly binding logging? – Stack Overflow