C# .NET – Generate error message when “async void” is used in code

The mentioned AsyncFixer extension and Nuget Package are super useful when dealing with async code. They both package a Roslyn analyzer that detects many async issues and provides an automatic fix for them as well in most cases. Using the .editorconfig in Visual Studio you can configure specific warnings as errors:
[*.cs] # AsyncFixer03: Fire-and-forget async-void methods or delegates dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer03.severity = error
And you can set that straight from the Solution Explorer in case you’ve a

Source: c# – Generate error message when “async void” is used in code – Stack Overflow

Apache Solr Search Engine: What you need to know

> Have you ever been in a situation where you have an enterprise app with data that exists in an SQL Database, and the business team asked you for a text search feature? > > If you answered yes, most probably your first trial was to conduct a text-based search using the database query. However, it might work, but the database’s ability to provide relevancy is either non-existent or a bolted-on afterthought, and the relevancy ranking of results coming out of a database won’t be satisfactory. > > Additionally, if we added the performance to the equation when you have large volumes of text data, RDBMS will be quite slow and provide poor user experience. > > andela.com/blog-posts/apache-solr-search-engine-what-you-need-to-know >

Apache Solr Search Engine: What you need to know

Have you ever been in a situation where you have an enterprise app with data that exists in an SQL Database, and the business team asked you for a text search feature?
If you answered yes, most probably your first trial was to conduct a text-based search using the database query. However, it might work, but the database’s ability to provide relevancy is either non-existent or a bolted-on afterthought, and the relevancy ranking of results coming out of a database won’t be satisfactory.
Additionally, if we added the performance to the equation when you have large volumes of text data, RDBMS will be quite slow and provide poor user experience.

Top 5 Tips for Angular Development With WebStorm | JetBrains

No matter how much familiarity you have with Angular, or how you feel about it, JetBrains IDEs can make your experience with this framework much better. In today’s FOMO digest, we’ll tell you about the features for working in Angular that you can find in JetBrains IDEs, such as WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PhpStorm, Rider, PyCharm Professional, GoLand, and RubyMine.

Source: FOMO Digest #2: Top 5 Tips for Angular Development With JetBrains IDEs | The WebStorm Blog