Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents.
Source: C# to TypeScript – Visual Studio Marketplace
Category: Tips & Tricks
Configure Prettier and ESLint with Angular
Everyone wants to write code in a fast bug-free way without thinking about its style most of the time. That’s why in this post I will talk about configuring ESLint and Prettier in an Angular project.
Source: Configure Prettier and ESLint with Angular | by Enea Jahollari | ITNEXT
Visual Studio 2022 make debugger catch more exceptions
Ctrl+Q, search for feature “exception settings” -> enable setting below
Host and deploy Angular web app using Azure and Github
I am using Angular v17 and node v18.
In simple steps;
Goto azure portal.
Create a new resource of type “Static Web App”
I choose Github as Deployment source.
Regarding Angular v17, I had problems with the github deployment build actions:
- Node was configured as v16 but angular v17 needs node v18
- path to index.html for dist build could not be found
After Azure has created the static web app for Github deployment the following file is pushed into the repo:
I hade to set the following values correctly:
app_location: "./" # App source code path
output_location: "./dist/gps-tracker/browser" # Built app content directory - optional
The output location should point to where the index.html file is located.
You should change the ‘gps-tracker’ to your application name. To find out exactly run ‘ng build’ locally and look into the created dist folder.
Regarding setting node version to 18: I added the following in the yml file:
env: NODE_VERSION: '18.x'
Print screen of node version setting:
C# .NET – Generate error message when “async void” is used in code
The mentioned AsyncFixer extension and Nuget Package are super useful when dealing with async code. They both package a Roslyn analyzer that detects many async issues and provides an automatic fix for them as well in most cases. Using the .editorconfig in Visual Studio you can configure specific warnings as errors:
[*.cs] # AsyncFixer03: Fire-and-forget async-void methods or delegates dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer03.severity = error
And you can set that straight from the Solution Explorer in case you’ve a
Source: c# – Generate error message when “async void” is used in code – Stack Overflow
Top 5 Tips for Angular Development With WebStorm | JetBrains
No matter how much familiarity you have with Angular, or how you feel about it, JetBrains IDEs can make your experience with this framework much better. In today’s FOMO digest, we’ll tell you about the features for working in Angular that you can find in JetBrains IDEs, such as WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PhpStorm, Rider, PyCharm Professional, GoLand, and RubyMine.
Source: FOMO Digest #2: Top 5 Tips for Angular Development With JetBrains IDEs | The WebStorm Blog
Use .http files in Visual Studio 2022
The Visual Studio 2022
file editor provides a convenient way to test ASP.NET Core projects, especially API apps. The editor provides a UI that:
- Creates and updates
files.- Sends HTTP requests specified in
files.- Displays the responses.
This article contains documentation for:
- The
file syntax.- How to use the
file editor.- How to create requests in
files by using the Visual Studio 2022 Endpoints Explorer.The
file format and editor was inspired by the Visual Studio Code REST Client extension. The Visual Studio 2022.http
as an alternative file extension for the same file format.
Source: Use .http files in Visual Studio 2022 | Microsoft Learn
Visual Studio 2022 – locate file in solution explorer keyboard shortcut
Set a keyboard shortcut in Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Search for the command: SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument.
Se images below:
How to delete all node_modules files fast and simple for a repo
Run the following in the repo root folder: (deletes all node_modules folders and its content recursively):
npx rimraf ./**/node_modules
(Npx command is available from NPM version 5.2)
This might take som time since node_module usually contains a lot of files.
How to set memory limit for ElasticSearch in Windows
Running elasticsearch on my local development machine takes up half of system memory by default. Here is instructions on how to change max memory size.
* Windows 10
* This instruction is for Elasticsearch version 7.16.2 but probably works on other versions as well
* Running elasticsearch.bat (in development mode not as a service)
Goto folder:
Create file:
“jvm.options” (normal text file, utf-8)
Setting for maximum of 4GB memory allocation:
-Xms4g -Xmx4g
Change both “4” values into other value if desired.
Restart elasticservice.bat
Instructions if running elasticsearch as a service on Windows:
You can set the memory limit for Elastic Search on Windows Server by following command:
[Elasticsearch Path]\bin>elasticsearch-service.bat manager
Note: Run command prompt as administrator
It will open manager as shown here: Image: ElasticSearch service properties
Now go to the ‘Java’ tab and change settings based on your requirement.
Note: Make sure, you changed it under ‘JavaOptions’ textbox and also for separate parameters. For example, to set 1GB initial memory pool and maximum memory pool, you can set ‘1024’ MB for both.