How to remove ads from Skype in a simple way.
Works with latest skype version: as well.
Tested with my Windows 8, 64bit.
Get rid of Skype ads in Chat Screen (6.13) | Chris123NT’s Blog.
My bookmarks and blogposts regarding Software Development in .NET, C#, Angular, JavaScript, CSS, Html
How to remove ads from Skype in a simple way.
Works with latest skype version: as well.
Tested with my Windows 8, 64bit.
Get rid of Skype ads in Chat Screen (6.13) | Chris123NT’s Blog.
How to convert url text to clickable hyperlink in Excel?
Supposing you have multiple urls in your worksheet, but they are not linked, and now you need to convert all the unlinked urls to clickable hyperlinks, as following screenshots shown. Of course, you can double click them one by one to make them clickable, but this will be time consuming if there are lots of urls. How could you convert multiple unlinked urls to clickable hyperlinks automatically in Excel?
via How to convert url text to clickable hyperlink in Excel?.
Such as the WD MyCloud network disk…
Create a .bat file and enter this:
net use Z: \\\Document mysecretpassword /user:MyUserName /persistent:yes
Replace text in bold.
Add a shortcut to the bat file to the Startup folder:
C:\Users\[MyUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Set the shortcut to run in “minimized window” to avoid showing the window.
Technet info for NET command:
Sometimes you want a simple overview of all the assembly file version numbers in the bin folder in your ASP.NET project.
For example when doing an upgrade or a release.
Go to your bin folder -> show files as detailed list in windows explorer.
Right click on one of the columns:
Scroll down to file version, or just start typing file to jump fast.
Check “File version”