Reconnect a network share with credentials on Windows 8 login

Such as the WD MyCloud network disk…

Create a .bat file and enter this:
net use Z: \\\Document mysecretpassword /user:MyUserName /persistent:yes

Replace text in bold.

Add a shortcut to the bat file to the Startup folder:
C:\Users\[MyUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Set the shortcut to run in “minimized window” to avoid showing the window.

Technet info for NET command:

Tips and Tricks – Show assembly version numbers in Windows Explorer

Sometimes you want a simple overview of all the assembly file version numbers in the bin folder in your ASP.NET project.

For example when doing an upgrade or a release.

Go to your bin folder -> show files as detailed list in windows explorer.

Right click on one of the columns:

Scroll down to file version, or just start typing file to jump fast.
Check “File version”

