The hypothesis behind Svelte is straightforward: Browser-based UI frameworks result in a lot of overhead; it is possible to remove this overhead by handling the framework in a build step outside of the browser. Svelte doesn’t have a virtual DOM.
It’s a compiler, not a dependency.
Frameworks like Vue and React are dependencies; they interact with your code while it executes. Svelte is a compiler; it interacts with your code before you ever put that code in production — Svelte outputs vanilla JavaScript.
Svelte Web Interfaces with Svelte
mockserver – npm
mockserver is a library that will help you mocking your APIs in a matter of seconds: you simply organize your mocked HTTP responses in a bunch of mock files and it will serve them like they were coming from a real API; in this way you can write your frontends without caring too much whether your backend is really ready or not.
Source: mockserver – npm
Set event listener breakpoints – Firefox Developer Tools | MDN
Starting with Firefox 69, debugging an application that includes event handlers is simplified because the debugger now includes the ability to automatically break when the code hits an event handler.
10 Awesome PostCSS Plugins to Make You a CSS Wizard – Hongkiat
It’s Time for Everyone to Learn About PostCSS | David Clark Develops the Web
It’s Time for Everyone to Learn About PostCSS What It Really Is; What It Really Does
Dark and light mode websites – prefers-color-scheme: CSS Media Query
One device and app feature I’ve come to appreciate is the ability to change between light and dark modes. If you’ve ever done late night coding or reading, you know how amazing a dark theme can be for preventing eye strain and the headaches that result. macOS recently implemented a native dark mode but that mode doesn’t convert websites to a dark interface, so you’re still getting a bright site regardless of native theme. Wouldn’t it be amazing if websites would also go dark or light based on user’s system preference?
Native lazy loading img and iframe landed in Chrome
Native lazy loading landed in Chrome 🔥
Configure Visual Studio to Name Private Fields with Underscore – ardalis
Most C# coding standards recommend using camelCase for local variables and _camelCase for private or internal…
Portainer Community Edition – Docker UI tool
Portainer Community Edition (Portainer CE) is a lightweight management toolset that allows you to easily build, manage and maintain Docker environments. Created by experts, Portainer CE (the open core of Portainer) is an opinionated toolset that captures years of experience to allow you to reliably and quickly create, operate and trouble-shoot your Docker environments.
Postwoman – API Request Builder
Lightweight API request builder – Online tool
Source: Postwoman – API Request Builder